Monday, 31 October 2016


 Image result for energia eolica africa

The wind sector is concentrated in two countries, Egypt and Morocco, where 169 MW were installed in 2009. Africa is maintained even at a level comparatively low, and even the rate of growth was again below the world average of 31.6%.

Part of the new wind turbines installed in the continent are of the company Spanish Gamesa. However, more and more African Governments become aware of the potential of wind energy in their countries and They showed interest in establishing an appropriate framework that facilitates the development and use of wind resources.

The most significant advance was the introduction of the first support mechanism fixed rate or premium on the Mainland by the national regulator of electricity from South Africa NERSA, whose effective implementation will be crucial in 2010, and in the next years.

With the new regulations, South Africa has the possibility of being the wind leader of Africa Sud-Sahariana and become an example for other countries in the region.

Image result for energia eolica africa

New wind projects are progressing in leading countries, Egypt and Morocco, and in new markets in Ethiopia, Kenya, Namibia, Tunisia, as well as in Cape Verde.

Is encouraging see that those activities industrial directed to the manufacturing of turbines wind have begun in the continent, mainly in Egypt, and Vestas has open office in South Africa.

The creation of stable wind power markets in the continent has a potential which will allow to establish national wind turbine manufacturing industries in several African countries.

In the light of the fact that the majority of the inhabitants of Africa still do not have access to electricity from the network, the decentralized and remote wind energy systems, in combination with other renewable energies, such as photovoltaics, will play a key role.

This process of implementation of technologies for the electrification rural are found even in stages early.
The main factors restricting it are the lack of access to knowledge and accumulated experience (know-how), as well as financial resources.

 Image result for energia eolica africa


The evolution of the renovable energy and the environment in Africa.

The birth of the eolian energy in the african continent.

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